Monday, June 29, 2009

Deciding Where to Retire

Deciding where to retire

Deciding on where to retire is a decision millions will face in the coming years. It may be to places like Sarasota or it could be simply down-sizing to a place near "the kids".

Baby Boomers have several choices. They can stay where they are, downsize to more suitable 'digs', move away or even buy a motor home and live everywhere / nowhere. Where's the perfect place is anyone's guess. There can be some method to finding your 'right place'. Sarasota is definitely a great option for many Boomers.

Needs will always changeStudies show people often go through stages of retirement. A person who is 62 will have different needs than a person who is 85. Deciding where to live will change over time and thus people will probably make a move more than one time. Many dip their toes in the water first - retire slowly. Boomers today have too much ambition to quit and do nothing. For a lot of people, they understand they can work from anywhere. With cell phones and internet access, I could almost sell real estate in Florida from my home state of Michigan. ...more

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